
Internship – Bachelor’s degree

The summer internship will be organized as follows.

  • 01.02.2025 – 30.04.2025
    • the companies representatives will register in the internship portal https://practica.upt.ro/company/register
    • the faculty representatives will validate the companies profiles in the portal; if necessary you can notify by email the person in charge, namely ciprian.chirila(at)upt.ro for a faster validation;
    • the companies representatives load the internship projects (based on user and password) in the internship portal;
  • 01.04.2025 – 30.04.2025
    • the students analyze the offers and apply for the minimum of 5 projects in the internship portal https://practica.upt.ro/ac
    • the authentication is based on the @student.upt.ro account;
  • 01.05.2025 – 30.06.2025
    • each company will access the CVs of the students who applied for the companies projects and will schedule the interviews;
  • 01.07.2025 – 01.08.2025
    • the students who do not own a labour contract will have to download the agreement, protocol and convention templates, they will fill them entirely and sign them;
    • all students will do their internships in the companies workplaces;
  • 01.08.2025 – 01.09.2025
    • all students will do their internships in the companies workplaces;
    • at the end of the internship period all students must fill their internship reports and must prepare the certificate of practice signed by their company tutor;
    • all students will upload their documents in the Virtual Campus following the link https://cv.upt.ro/course/view.php?id=5626
  • 01.09.2025 – 09.09.2025
    • the internship representatives will schedule the internship exams for each specialization and fill the passed/failed qualifiers in the learning records;
    • after a few days from the exam, the students are advised to check their grades in the Student UPT mobile application;

Responsibles of practice

  • year III CTI (Romanian and English) conf. dr. ing. Doru TODINCĂ and conf. dr. ing. Cosmin CERNĂZANU
  • year III IS ș.l. dr. ing. Sorin NANU
  • year II Informatics conf. dr. ing. Iosif SZEIDERT
  • year II Informatics – ID ș.l. dr. ing. Mihaela CRIȘAN-VIDA

Required documents

Employed student Student without labor contract
Necessary documents during the internship nothing 2 copies of the agreement (1 for the company + 1 for UPT)
(once per company, check here)
2 copies of the protocol (1 for the company + 1 for UPT)
(once per company, check here)
3 copied of the convention (1 for the company + 1 for UPT + 1 student)
Necessary documents at the end of the internship Internship report
Internship certificate (signed)
Work certificate
Internship report
Internship certificate (signed)

  • 2 copies of the agreement (1 company + 1 UPT)
  • 2 copies of the protocol (1 company + 1 UPT)
  • 3 copies of the convention (1 company + 1 UPT + 1 student)

Templates for students

Optional templates for students

  • Standard application to the Faculty Secretariat for practice in the proposed institution
  • Address issued by the Dean’s Office (to be presented by the student to the company he accomplishes the practice)
  • Practice portfolio
  • Evaluation sheet

Legal basis

Conf.dr.ing. Ciprian-Bogdan CHIRILA - Prodecan

  • 0256-403217 Decanat
  • ciprian.chirila@upt.ro